Nigerian Youth Parliament for Water


Since 2020



NYPW Mission Statement

Inciting youth involvement in WASH Governance and Sustainability in Nigeria.

NYPW Key Objectives

  1. Increase youth participation in WASH governance in Nigeria
  2. Ensure sustainability of WASH actions beyond 2030 through active participation of young professionals in the sector
  3. Mobilize youth participation towards Nigeria’s agenda to achieve clean water and sanitation for all by year 2030
  4. Advocate for policy changes and sector coordination towards breaking down silos and encouraging more involvement of young professionals in the WASH sector in Nigeria
  5. Work with young professionals across Nigeria to implement sustainable and practical solutions to WASH related issues

Key actions

Raise awareness: about water, sanitation and hygiene issues through education and campaigns

Advocacy: for inclusive policy formulation and policy implementation in the water sanitation and hygiene sector in Nigeria. 

Local action: at the community level to ensure access to clean water, and improved sanitation and hygiene facilities and recognition of youth-led projects to solve water, sanitation and hygiene issues in Nigeria.

Budget tracking: of WASH allocations to ensure accountability on the part of the public sector.

Thematic areas

  • 6.1 Safe Drinking Water
  • 6.2 Sanitation and Hygiene
  • 6.3 Water Quality, Treatment, and Safe Reuse
  • 6.4 Water Efficiency
  • 6.5 Integrated Water Resources Management & Transboundary Cooperation
  • 6.A WASH Cooperation and Capacity Building
  • 6.B WASH Local Participation