Over the last year, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted inequalities worldwide regarding access to water, sanitation, and hygiene services and the capacity of vulnerable populations to respond to a global health emergency (2019 JMP Report, OMS/UNICEF). However, the increasing need for water to comply with hygiene recommendations coincides with the increasing unreliability of water supply partially caused by the impacts of climate change (World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 2020; UN News, 2020).
Now, 2.3 billion people or about 30 % of the world population live in a water-stressed country (UN WATER, 2021). The need for water is increasing by 1% yearly. At this rate, the proportion of the population suffering from water insecurity should reach 52 % by 2050, particularly affecting the most vulnerable and marginalized populations particularly (EIU, 2021).
This unprecedented global challenge has emphasized the vital importance of integrated and sustainable water resources management.
All over the world, youth are stepping up and mobilizing to lend a helping hand to those most in need by proposing inspiring, creative, and innovative ideas. More than ever, it is vital to support young people who are engaged and empowered for achieving water security. Through their actions, youth have shown that they are unified across disciplines and scales to understand, innovate, and adapt to the complex and dynamic nature of water security and governance.
Following the tremendous impact of the 9 projects supported through the first Global Youth Take Action call for projects held in 2020, the International Secretariat for Water (ISW) is launching the second Global Youth Take Action call for projects on the Youth for Water and Climate (YWC) platform. This call for project has been designed to identify, encourage, and support youth engagement related to water resources management and climate change adaptation. More specifically it aims to support initiatives regarding water & health, water & agriculture, water-related risks, and water sharing working towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 6 and 13.
This call for projects is made possible thanks to the collaboration and financial contributions of the Global Water Partnership, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (DDC), l’Agence de l’eau Artois-Picardie (AEAP) and Montréal International which will enable youth from around the world to access support to help implement innovative and creative water management projects.
This 2nd edition of the Global Youth Take Action call for projects is also supported by Her2O, the World Youth Parliament for Water, Red de Jovenes Por el Agua Paraguay and CAY4W who will contribute to youth mobilisation & capacity building.
The deadline to apply is June 30th, 2021, 11:59 PM GMT.
More information about the 2nd edition of the Global Youth Take Action call for projects here.