General Assembly in Quebec

WYPW is founded and creating of a water law

WYPW in Québec for its first General Assembly

A total of 80 participants were brought together in the occasion of the first General Assembly and the founding of the World Youth Parliament for Water in Québec City on November 18-22, 2002. The event was part of the preparatory activities for the International Freshwater year of 2003. 

The event provided an opportunity for the youth to reflect on water management issues in their home countries and around the world.

The parliament's main objective was the adoption of a Water Act within the framework of a structured democratic debate - presentations, discussions, votes, etc.

The assembly was centered around four main themes : the access to water and sanitation as a basin humain right, the sustainability parameters (such as the cost of water services), local and national water governane and international solidarity on water management issues.


To formalize the Water Act, the declaration was presented and adopted during a sesion at the National Assembly of Quebec. 

The participants of the Assembly were then tasked with the goal of reach to their respective national parliament back in their home country, and presenting the Water Act.